

Weather forecast and mountain conditions

In season, the weather forecast is displayed at the Tourist Office, as well as at the ski lifts (first aid station, leisure and recreation complex, Place du Queyrelet). Display of the state of the slopes (alpine or background) at the Tourist Office.

Get the latest Météo-France forecasts on 32 50 (short number: 0.34 € / min) or on +33 8 99 71 02 05 (direct access to forecasts for the Hautes-Alpes department: 1.35 € per call + € 0.34 / min).

Automatic weather forecast


scattered clouds

Maximum : 5°C
Minimum : -5°C

Scattered clouds


scattered clouds

Maximum : 2°C
Minimum : -5°C

Broken clouds

After tomorrow

scattered clouds

Maximum : 7°C
Minimum : -5°C

Sky is clear