Self Catering ResidencesBackAgenciesHotelsHoliday villageLodgesBed and BreakfastCamping CaravanningOutdoor centersSelf Catering ResidencesRentalsMake your choice among the various tourist residences proposed on the resort.MapMapFavoritesDeleteMap Apartment block - Rochebrune Le Vallon Residence located at the foot of the slopes. Apartments for 4 to 8 people, fully equipped (bed linen included in our rates). Cleaning fee from 64€ to 89€. 6.32652144.697743Résidence de Tourisme Rochebrune Le VallonDirection parking P6 Merlette 05170 OrcièresCalcul d'itinéraire/fileadmin/templates/default/images/apidae/marker_HEBERGEMENT_COLLECTIF.pngFavoritesDeleteMap Résidence de Tourisme Rochebrune Les Cîmes Residence located at the foot of the slopes (Rocherousse telemix). Comfortable accommodation for up to 8 people. 6.32690744.698125Résidence de Tourisme Rochebrune Les CîmesRoute du Forest Merlette 05170 OrcièresCalcul d'itinéraire/fileadmin/templates/default/images/apidae/marker_HEBERGEMENT_COLLECTIF.pngFavoritesDeleteMap Résidence de Tourisme Etoiles d'Orion - Vacancéole In the heart of the Southern Alps, come and discover the Etoiles d'Orion residence and treat yourself to a sports stay in a preserved setting. Ideally located in the Orcières... 6.32681144.695574Résidence de Tourisme Etoiles d'Orion - VacancéoleRue Bellevue Merlette 05170 OrcièresCalcul d'itinéraire/fileadmin/templates/default/images/apidae/marker_HEBERGEMENT_COLLECTIF.png